Shamanic Lucid Dreaming – Robert Moss
Come home to your true calling with shamanic lucid dreaming and become an empowered co-creator of new possibilities for your life.
We are all on a great adventure…
… the journey of becoming who we were meant to be.
When we find and follow our soul’s calling we feel at ease, vital, happy, courageous, playful, creative, and fulfilled. The Universe seems to open its doors to us.
When we follow our soul’s calling, and give ourselves to the Life Work that is ours and no other’s, our gifts are multiplied, because we draw to us supporting powers from the unseen, starting with our own creative genius.
Yet, for many of us, who have been knocked off course over the past couple years and are feeling more lost and ungrounded than ever before — dealing with challenges we could never have imagined — finding our way to this most sacred and enduring part of ourselves may seem daunting.
But it can be done, and it can be a profound, as well as a fun and magical journey.
Our dreams will guide us, if we pay attention. So will the dreamlike play of signs and synchronicity in the world around us. We can reach, in shamanic lucid dreaming, to our great Imagineer, our Magical Child, to our Higher Self, and to a whole family of spiritual allies.
In this inspiring, life-shifting 12-module course with bestselling author and dream archaeologist Robert Moss, you’ll learn how to explore the dreamtime as one of the most powerful opportunities for true soul work, healing, and transformation.
You’ll dream-journey while awake, practicing shamanic lucid dreaming, Robert’s powerful and original synthesis of shamanic journeying, creative imagination, and his modern dreamwork approach called Active Dreaming.
Robert coined the word kairomancy to describe the practice of navigating by synchronicity in those special moments of meaningful coincidence when you feel the play of forces pushing through the curtains of ordinary perception.
You’re a kairomancer when you learn how to recognize when the world is speaking to you in signs and symbols — and when you learn how to seize these Kairos moments of opportunity before they slip away.
In this 12-module course, you’ll create a magical deck of Soul Cards inspired by listening to your dreams to bring their images and wisdom to life as clues for finding your way.
You’ll learn how to work with your dreams to help you face and walk through your fears, unveil and integrate suppressed parts of yourself, clear ancestral karma, and bring home your playful child self, with her energy, curiosity and wonder that can help you re-imagine your life possibilities.
You’ll commune with inner teachers, animal guardians, nature spirits, angels, ancestral wisdom keepers, and parallel selves, as you track your soul connections in the multiverse.
You’ll practice real magic, which is the art of bringing gifts from one world into another. You do that when you bring healing and creative energy and navigational guidance from the dreamworld into the physical world.
You’ll learn a powerful way of dreaming that provides keys to soul remembering — recalling who you are, where you come from and what you are meant to become in this lifetime.
You’ll find that shamanic lucid dreaming may also be the key to locating and bringing together aspects of your vital energy and identity that went missing when the world seemed too cold and too cruel: a path of profound soul healing.
If you’ve been going through a dream drought, you’ll find your dreams coming back, like butterflies. You’ll discover how your sleep dreams can help you wake up to a deeper order of reality and purpose, while you also learn to dream wide awake, alive to the dreamlike play of symbols in the world around you.
You’ll practice the dream shaman’s art of embarking on conscious journeys across time and dimensions, and you’ll establish personal base camps and private portals for your adventures in the Many Worlds.
You’ll discover how to develop simple rituals and everyday practices to honor your dreams and journeys and embody their healing and creative energy.
As you awaken to what dreaming can be, you open communication with your authentic spiritual teachers, you restore your inner compass and you gain access to creative solutions that escape the everyday mind.
You’ll discover, as Emerson wrote: There is one direction in which space is open to you.
This passionate and practical American philosopher of soul was telling us that when we find and follow our soul’s direction, we find our way is open. The wind is at our back, the current flows our way. When we fail to follow our unique call, on the other hand, the world resists our passage.
Like all fundamental truths, it’s quite simple. We need to identify our soul’s direction, our unique calling, and go forward in that knowledge.
Shamanic Lucid Dreaming gives us beautiful and practical ways to accomplish this, dreaming with eyes open and with eyes closed. Welcome to a path of limitless adventure,
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NLP online course
So what is NLP?
Firstly, NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Secondly neuro refers to your neurology;
Thirdly linguistic refers to language however, programming refers to how that neural language functions.
As a result,In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
Moreover, NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
In conclusion, It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.
Lord –
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