Jim Randel – The Skinny on the Housing Crisis: What Every Homeowner and Homebuyer Needs to Know
[1 eBook – PDF]
Well finally someone has taken a new approach to a non-fiction book.
THE SKINNY ON THE HOUSING CRISIS: What Every Homeowner and Homebuyer NEEDS TO KNOW!!! is, well, skinny. This 168 page book is 2/3 illustrated with stick people and 1/3 text. The point is that less can be more and that it is time for writers and publishers to value the reader s time and attention span.
The Skinny is about a very serious subject how America dragged itself into the worst housing and credit crisis since The Great Depression. The story is told through the experience of a young couple, Billy and Beth, who in 2006 buy their first house. In 2007 they lose their house to foreclosure.
The Skinny takes the reader through Billy and Beth s experiences dealing with real estate agents, house inspectors, appraisers, mortgage brokers, lenders and attorneys. Each of these encounters is a lesson for any person considering the purchase or sale of a home, investing in real estate or, just taking out a mortgage.
After Billy and Beth close on their home, The Skinny follows the story of their mortgage from lender to investment bank to investor in Europe. We learn how mortgage sales and securitizations became a trillion dollar business, disconnecting the American borrower from the lender and de-humanizing the process.
The Skinny is an entertaining account of a multi-trillion dollar industry real estate buying, selling and borrowing that has lost its way. This skinny book intended to be read in about an hour or so will have more impact on its reader than a book with 10 times the verbiage which can take weeks to read.
Recommended for anyone considering the purchase, sale or financing of real estate, The Skinny has been strongly endorsed by a wide spectrum of real estate professionals across the United States.
Lord –
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