Data Visualization on the Browser with Python and Bokeh
If you love Python and want to impress your clients or your employer with impressive data visualization on the browser, Bokeh is the way to go. This course is a complete guide to mastering Bokeh which is a Python library for building advanced and modern data visualization web applications. The course will guide you step by step starting from plotting simple datasets to building rich and beautiful data visualization web apps that plot data in real time and allow web users to interact and change the behavior of your plots via internet from their browsers. Bokeh is a brand new data science library that is gaining traction fast so it’s smart to be ahead of the competition and pack the skills in your portfolio.
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
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This is Digital Download service, the course is available at and Email download delivery.