Grace Lever – The Consult Project Only
Revealed! 6,000+ Client Coach Teaches You Her Secret “1 Page Funnel” Method That Signs All The High-Paying Clients You Can Handle… FREE!
(Works Even If You’re Completely Unknown)
From The Desk Of Grace Lever
Aldgate, South Australia
Dear Lovely Lady,
If you’re looking for a simple way to jumpstart your business to the $10,000 or even $20,000 per month level fast…
Then I want to gift you my best selling course – The Consult Project – absolutely FREE so you can do exactly that 🙂
Inside this program, I’m going to show you how I used a 1-page funnel to go from zero to hundreds of $5,000+ sales while I was still starting out…
And how I used this same funnel to attract over 6,000 clients and build one of the fastest growing consulting agencies in Australia.
I’ll tell you more about how this is possible in a moment, including everything you’re getting in the free program.
But before I do…
And before I explain why I’m giving you my $1,997 program for free…
There are two important things you’ve got to know:
I’m Only Giving Away 200 Spots Inside The Consult Project For Free
The reason?
I’m going to throw in some coaching with this offer (more on that in a minute) which limits the amount of people a lot.
I’m only one woman after all 😉
Secondly, before I reveal this, I have a bit of a confession to make.
If you’re expecting an approach with fancy funnels that have up-sells, down-sells, cross-sells and “order bumps”…
If you’re after a method that has you setting up complex automations that “trigger” and “tag” and have “conditional content” you won’t find that here either.
And, if you’re super into all the latest “tech stuff” like bots, messenger sequences and push notifications…
I’m sorry – but unfortunately this method you’re about to discover will disappoint you because….
There Are No Convoluted Funnels With This Method
No Overwhelming Tech…
No Up-Sells, Down-Sells, Cross-Sells or “Order Bumps”…
No Hair-Raising Automations…
And there’s not even any ads to run if you so choose!
No, this is not a typical strategy where you do nothing but waste your time, and deplete your bank account.
What you’re about to discover goes against the norm…
In fact, this approach probably goes against everything you’ve been taught about signing high-paying clients.
Because it’s actually super simple…
It’s super basic…
And it doesn’t take long to setup (you could literally get the system running in a day).
Because of that…
You may just pass it over for something a little more “exciting” like the latest Messenger or Bot Fad if that’s what you’re into.
And if you are – good luck to you 😉
I am speaking to the female entrepreneur who don’t necessarily want a “sexy” or “fancy” way of doing things…
She wants simple… She wants straightforward…
And she wants something that works to get clients fast.
That’s it.
So if that’s you, then keep reading…
Because I really do want to share this game-changing approach with you totally free, for a limited time only.
Now you might be wondering…
How Did I Discover This Almost “Elementary” Way to Attract High-Paying Clients…
WITHOUT fancy tech, funnels, or automations?
Now, don’t get me wrong…
I’ve done the fancy tech, funnels, and complex automation methods.
In fact, that was the way I discovered this approach to begin with!
Here’s what I mean…
When I got going as a Coach and Consultant, I wanted to get to the $20k per month mark fast…
Because for me, this meant “freedom!”
At $20k per month you get…
Freedom from bills…
Freedom from stress about money…
Freedom to go anywhere I wanted at the drop of a hat…
Freedom to spend time with friends and family any time, any place…
Freedom to live life completely unrestricted etc.
This is why I called the $20k per month mark my “Freedom Metric.”
And, I thought the fastest way to get to my Freedom Metric was by attracting customers with the traditional “up-sell” funnel method.
That’s where you try to sell them a low-priced product first (say, a $37 product), and then move them up your “value ladder” to other, higher level products until they eventually buy your highest priced program and become your client…
And please know Lovely…
There is absolutely a time and place to implement these more elaborate funnel methods in your business.
They’re great if you’re an eCommerce business, brick and mortar store or you’re a more established Coach or Consultant already earning above $20,000 per month (and yes, I even use them now).
However, if you’re not at that level yet, here’s why these complex funnel methods are almost certainly holding you back from getting to your Freedom Metric…
As mentioned, I tried this approach when I was just starting out…
And what happened was…
I was completely overwhelmed trying to get my products setup on my website…
I was confused learning how to write and build sales pages for each of them…
And I was totally baffled trying to figure out how to actually take payments from customers.
But the worst part was…
After months of slaving away, when I tried to sell these low-ticket products… I only sold one 🙁
After all that wasted effort, time and money… well I was crushed!
It didn’t make sense, either, because I’d done everything I’d been told I was supposed to do.
Yet by focussing on all this new, fancy marketing fluff…
I didn’t sign any new clients into my highest program…
I sure as heck didn’t sell any of my low-ticket products…
I set my business and my results back months (maybe even years)…
And the bills piled up so high, even my hubby started to get doubtful.
But Fast Forward Just a Few Months Later…
And I went from earning absolutely nothing, to bringing in a consistent flow of $5,000+ clients!
Without selling any low ticket products or courses…
Without creating fancy automation sequences…
Without building complex, multi-stage funnels…
And without any overwhelming tech whatsoever!
So, how did I do it?
Well, here’s the answer…
(But first, a quick warning… It’s not as complicated as you might think 😉
I simply started selling human-to-human!
I jumped on the phone with my clients, and began selling my programs and services via these one-on-one consult calls and…
Well actually, that’s it!
I told you it was simple, right?!
When I gave up all the convoluted marketing funnels, tricks, and hypey gimmicks…
And simply got on the phone with a prospect and matched them up with services they actually wanted…
Well here’s what happened:
Firstly, I Got Clients IMMEDIATELY Instead Of Waiting Months Or Years
By selling human-to-human, I didn’t need to setup up any funnels, or sales pages, or fancy tech to sign high paying clients.
I could skip all that. Immediately.
And the reason why was…
Because when a 1-on-1 sales consult call is done well, clients who have no idea who you are can be ready to sign up to your program…
All in less than 60 minutes.
Imagine taking someone from “cold” to “sold” in under 60 minutes?
Well you can with a human-to-human sales consult that’s run the right way.
Secondly, I Realised I Could Start Selling My Most Expensive Program On The Call…
The luxury of selling over the phone (or Skype), is that you don’t have to sell a $37 course first, to get a client signed up.
You can flip the funnel upside down and go right to selling your highest end program!
Whether that’s $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 and above.
I’ve used this method to sell programs over $15,000 in one call!
So yes, you can skip ALL the product creation…
Eliminate the need for a “value ladder”…
And simply sell them your most expensive, transformational package first.
After all, that’s the product they REALLY need, right?
And Thirdly, I Got To My Freedom Metric (AKA: The 20k Per Month Level) In Record Time…
Yep – within a matter of a few weeks!
Think about it…
If you’re selling a $97 low ticket product, you need 207 sales to make $20,000.
207 sales every month, month after month, before you’re finally free.
What a lot of work, right?
Yet, when you go right to selling your highest end package you can get to your Freedom Metric much faster…
You only need 10 sales at $2,000 (or 4 sales at $5,000) to reach $20,000.
This is the power of what a real, person-to-person sales conversation did for my business…
And, I know, can do for your coaching and consulting business too.
All you have to do is give up the months you would have spent creating convoluted funnels, complex automations, and complicated tech…
And Focus On The One Thing That Actually Signs High-Ticket Clients Fast…
A human to human sales consult!
Now, I must admit…
When I share this truth with Coaches, Consultants and Services Professionals I get a lot of concerns such as…
“But Grace, I feel totally incongruent selling a high priced program!”
“But Grace, I feel so salesy selling 1-on-1!”
“But Grace, I don’t know how to overcome objections on the phone!”
“But Grace, no one even knows me, why would they spend $2,000 let alone $5,000 on one of my programs?!”
To which I always reply…
I felt exactly the same way!
And it’s why I avoided selling human-to-human for so long too, so if that’s how you feel… I totally understand.
But I also have a secret to share…
I didn’t just “magically” overcome these challenges by meditating on them…
Or by “hoping” that one day, after doing lots of sales consults, I’d eventually become competent and confident…
Nope, through a lot of trial and error, and some help from my own business mentors…
I developed a treasure trove of game-changing and truly amazing…
Super Simple Sales Tools That Attracted & Signed High-Ticket Clients…
Even though I was totally unknown and totally terrible at selling 😉
These tools have been my secret weapon that I’ve honed and refined.
They’ve generated me millions of dollars in sales, and given me hundreds of successful client case studies…
With absolutely no thanks to my own “natural sales gift” 😉
With these tools I can attract and sign $5,000+ clients whenever I want (and so can my students).
Which is why I want to share them with you… I call them:
The Three Secret Selling Tools To Sign $5,000+ Clients Who Don’t Even Know Who You Are
And the first tool is…
1. The Sales Consult Cure Script
Yep, that same script you just downloaded for free is the same tool I use to sign seriously high paying clients, every time!
One of my amazing mentors gifted me this sales consult framework a while ago now…
And since I started using it, my confidence during sales consults has sky rocketed!
It allowed me to take prospects who had no idea who I was…
To people ready to sign up to my Ultimate Offer in under 60 minutes 🙂
Since then I’ve honed and refined this framework into an actual script my team and clients now use to sign high-paying clients day in and day out.
I take you from opening the call…
To asking the right questions and building rapport…
To mapping out a blueprint action plan for the client and overcoming their objections…
To presenting your program with confidence.
This script is almost word-for-word, and can help anyone intimidated by selling… confidently run their own calls and naturally sign high paying clients.
No hard selling.
No sleazy selling tactics.
Just authentic selling that works.
Because your sales are actually adding value to the prospect, even if they don’t become a client.
This totally changed the way I saw selling from something that was “sleazy” to something that was “valuable.”
And you already have access to this bad boy as we speak…
So what’s stopping you from seeing the same kind of massive results?!
Of course though, you might be wondering WHAT to actually sell on that call?
Well, that’s where the second tool comes in…
2. The Ultimate Offer Template
One of the best things I was taught when I started my business was the importance of having a great offer.
Because, if you know how to craft an irresistable offer… No matter how expensive it is, your prospect will see its value.
This is exactly what The Ultimate Offer Template is all about.
This tools allows me and my clients to confidently sell programs that are $5,000, $10,000 and even $30,000 plus…
Because it communicates so simply how the prospect is getting FAR more value in return than what they’re actually investing…
Because they are!
So much so, it makes whatever price you’re selling seem “cheap” in relation to all the value they’re getting.
Once I started using this tool that guilty feeling of selling an expensive program started to melt away.
And I find that’s exactly what happens when my students use it too 🙂
The final tool is something I had to develop myself.
I needed a way to attract lots of prospects to my calls and without a lot of “hustle.”
I liked the idea of how funnels worked…
But I didn’t like all those up-sells, down-sells, crazy automations, having to setup so many landing pages and write all these emails…
So instead, I scrapped all that and came up with…
3. The 1 Page Consult Booking Funnel
A simple 1-page sales consult booking system that fills your calendar with prospects who are eager to get help from you.
Here’s how it works…
First, you create one simple website page that looks like this…
Nothing fancy.
No amazing graphics or logos.
No design work whatsoever…
Next, you write a headline at the top that tells them you’re giving away a free “blueprint, “paint-by-numbers action plan,” or “step-by-step roadmap”…
This is a big part of what you’ll actually be doing on your consult call when you use The Consult Cure Script.
Then, right in the middle of the page you put a very short video (I have a proven script for this too!)…
It introduces who you are, and tells them that you’re giving away your free plan to help them.
Whether that’s helping them lose weight, get dates, attract clients, save tax, train their dog… Whatever the problem they’re facing that you’ll help them solve is.
Note: This is what attracts them to want to get on the call with you even if they don’t know who you are or even if you’re unknown.
Cool, right?
Then, finally, you have a big button right underneath that video they can use to book a spot on your calendar if they’re interested.
And… that’s it!
That’s literally all I’ve used to get tens of thousands of people booking on our calendars…
And what you can use too.
In case you haven’t realized by now…
There’s nothing special about me or my ability to sell… But there is something special about these tools in attracting and closing high-paying clients…
Over and over again.
These Tools Enabled Me To:
Sell with confidence knowing the prospect was getting FAR more value in return even though they were investing a lot of money…
Sell in a way where I didn’t felt confident, competent and comfortable as opposed to “sleazy,” “salesy” or like a “fraud”…
And sell in a way where I could sign VERY high paying clients even though I was unknown and terrible at selling at the time!
These 3 tools allowed me to get to the $20,000 per month level early on in my career like nothing I had used before…
And like nothing I’ve used since 🙂
I still use this method to bring in high-paying clients even though I run a multi-7-figure per year business!
And this is exactly why I write to you today:
I know there is a lot of frustration from women entrepreneurs like you, who know they have a great program or service…
But are struggling to get clients and navigate the confusing advice they’re receiving.
So I’ve come here to offer you a simple solution to transform your business and your life…
AND show you how you can get your hands on that solution for FREE.
That solution is called…
The Consult Project
It deep dives into the secret sales tools, scripts and templates I’ve just told you about…
The Consult Project can jumpstart your business to the $10,000 or even $20,000 per month level…
WITHOUT setting up fancy tech, complex automations, overwhelming marketing strategies… Or even spending $1 on ads!
That’s a promise 😉
Now before I go through the modules of the program so you can see how it will work for you…
I must make one more confession…
This is not some HUGE program that’s going to take you weeks to get through.
In fact, you can probably finish the whole program and have everything running in less than one week (if you’ve got a whole day to spare you could get through ALL the content and have it up and running in a day.).
The point is…
I mentioned right at the beginning this approach is super simple…
And it doesn’t take much time to setup because there’s not many moving pieces.
And therefore, it doesn’t take long to get results either!
So if you’re expecting some program with 50+ videos, 35 documents, 29 checklists, and hundreds of hours of content… This isn’t your program 😉
However, please don’t misinterperate that what you’re getting isn’t powerful or profitable.
It certainly is.
I’ve simply decided not to fill this program with a heap of “fluff” you’re used to getting with courses that overwhelm and sit on your “shelf” not getting used.
This program is exactly what’s needed to get you to your Freedom Metric (AKA: the $20,000 per month level) fast.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
If you’re OK with that, then…
Here’s Everything You’re Getting Inside The Consult Project For Free…
The Consult Project is an online, step-by-step training program with five incredible modules.
Each are short…
And designed to have you up and running with a consult booking system in a matter of days…
Yep – you heard me right 😉
I leave nothing out to help you close all the high-ticket clients you can handle!
You get ALL the tools, scripts and templates myself, my team, and my students have used to sign clients totalling into the tens of millions in sales…
I walk you through everything in an online training portal… So you know how to copy/paste/tweak them into your business and can go live ASAP.
Suffice it to say…
Because almost everything is a script, tool, or template, you can get up and running now… Most of the work has been done for you!
With that being said…
Let’s have a closer look now at what you’re going to get inside…
Module 1 – Your Consult Strategy
Discover my Consult “Supercharger” Technique that often makes hundreds before your call even starts… It actually has nothing to do with the consult and requires no more additional time from you to make this money.
The little known but highly profitable “VIA” Consult Offer that gets qualified prospects paying to attend a consult with you, even if you’re brand new in the business… After running almost 100 sold out workshops around Australia, I discovered a way to sell tickets that works incredibly well for booking highly qualified consults your prospects can’t say no to even though they’re paying for it!
My 10 Point Consult Offer No-Brainer Checklist… Mark these off and you’ll have yourself a completely irresistible sales consult offer that packs your calendar full of high-quality appointments
How to choose the right type of sales consult based on your business model… There are 3 types in all, and if you choose the wrong one, it can lead to booking almost NO new appointments.
Why you should never call your consult a “consult”… This is one of my biggest keys to success in generating thousands of consults.
The more you include in your program, the more it’s worth, right? Wrong… Many Coaches scare away prospects by selling more content in their programs… Inside you’ll discover why often less is more!
How I spend only 5 minutes MAX preparing for each consult that still allows me to close over 80% of prospects… Hint: It’s got to do with “templatizing” your consult!
Why giving away your advice overwhelms & loses the client… And what to do to prove you’re an expert, without giving away “the farm”.
How this one type of consult is a business model in and of itself, that’s how profitable it is… Perfect for beginners & experts.
My “Can’t Say No” $1 Offer that works best for coaches & experts also wanting to fill retreats, masterminds, and other high-priced programs… great if you sell other types of offers/programs/services.
The one word that makes your consults feel like its own product people want to pay good money for… This 2 second trick alone will instantly boost booked consults.
My secret consult Giveaway Formula that makes every prospect feel like this was one of the most valuable 60 minutes they’ve ever had… and the good news is, this giveaway only needs to be created once and you can use it over and over again.
How to create a valuable, high ticket offer in a couple of days… because you don’t need to spend months finishing your high ticket program before you sell it. In this section I’ll be showing you how to create a fast $2,000+ offer you can sell super fast without creating tons of content!
Module 2 – Filling Your Consults
My simple 1-page funnel that gets qualified prospects booking into your calendar even if they have no idea who you are… The secret behind my success to booking tens of thousands of consults. So simple my Grandma could set it up!
BONUS: Get my 1-page appointment funnel copy/pasted right inside your Clickfunnels account! This allows you to get up and running with your appointment system in minutes… simply tweak for your own business, hit “go live” and start booking appointments right away!
The 2 simple tools you’ll need to create an online automated consult funnel… without spending a lot or even hiring developer.
Why sending your prospects to your website will turn them off from becoming clients & what to do instead… Many coaches & experts send people to their website but they don’t get any clients and can’t understand why. I tell you why, and what to do instead so your website converts 4x-10x more.
Where to find your hottest prospects & how to get them interested in your consult… You’ll discover my favourite paid and free traffic strategies that are super simple to implement, and have prospects booking in your calendar the moment you start implementing them.
The 3 types of consult giveaway offers that turn “freezing cold” prospects who have no idea who you are, into someone they see as a bonafide expert who they want to work with… I love this approach because it’s totally no salesy or sleazy!
When you should skip creating lead magnets & go straight to pitching your consult to cold prospects… to save you hours and get lots more bookings in your calendar.
The Top #4 Free Traffic Strategies to fill your calendar within the next 48 hours!
A $10 Facebook “boosting” strategy that gets your consult session instantly seen by thousands… Great if you’re short on time and simply want a fast way to fill your calendar.
My slide-for-slide video sales letter script you can follow that introduces who you are, and authentically persuades almost anyone watching to get on your calendar immediately! This is one of my secret weapons for filling my calendar weeks in advance!
Module 3 & 4 – Automated Consult Scheduling And Pre-Consult Nurture
After getting my prospects to do this before the call, my close rate went from 10% to over 60%! Achieve 3x, 4x and even 5x your sales call conversion rate without changing anything you’re saying on your calls.
The 2 types of pre-consult nurture scripts that position you as an expert before you even speak… Great if you’re just getting started to demonstrate your authority.
My exact word-for-word email and SMS message nurture scripts that tripled my consult show up rate… Hint: The more people that show up to your calls, the more clients you’ll sign. These scripts are worth tens of thousands to you!
Adapt my SMS scripts to your own email systems… I’ll show you how.
My proven application form template you can swipe & deploy to ensure only qualified prospects are jumping on your calendar… Just this will save you tons of time getting on the phone with dud prospects.
Scheduling your consult via email is the best way, right? Wrong… There is a simple approach to getting your prospects booking in your calendar without the back and forth, time zone drama. Just seamless booking that saves you both time and hassle.
How to setup your very own calendar booking tool with one of my 2 favourite options… that fit any budget and business size.
The only time I recommend you don’t change your calendar software…
WALKTHROUGH: Get a step-by-step walkthrough that shows you how to connect your calendar software with your email autoresponder nurture sequence… This is critical to ensure your prospects are showing up on time.
BONUS: My entire automated nurture campaign copy/pasted right into your Infusionsoft account… And how to set it up and get it live in minutes.
Infusionsoft too much of a budget stretch? No problem. Set up the nurture sequence for free in Mailchimp. I’ll show you how…
How implementing this simple strategy which takes just minutes can help you tell whether a prospect is a waste of time or not, without even speaking to them.
Module 5 – Your Consult Script
Yours today! The 7-figure word-for-word “sales consult script” my students & I have used to close millions in sales… Word for word, so even the most “newbie” coaches can sign high paying clients fast.
How to ask the right questions in the right time, and overcome even the biggest objections.
The “instant ice-breaking” secret for getting prospects to like & trust you within seconds of meeting you… An almost forgotten sales technique I learned from some old-school sales pros when I was just getting started.
The 5 simple questions to ask every prospect to build a beautiful trusting relationship in just a few minutes of first speaking… Miss just one of these questions and you’ll almost always lose the sale.
How to prove to your prospect without a shadow of a doubt that you can get results for them in your program using this “one big tip”.
The biggest objection to a prospect working with you is “no money,” right? Wrong… Discover the #1 biggest objection most Coaches and Experts NEVER address that loses you clients, and how to overcome it before it even becomes a concern in your mind.
Should you run 1 consult or 2? Here’s why a second consult may be a game changer for you…
What I do at the beginning of every consult to ensure I never run over time… Keep even chatter-box clients focused.
What to do the moment they say “yes” to your offer so they don’t get buyers remorse.
How not talking gets you more sales… Perfect especially if sales scares the heck out of you 😉
BONUS: A secret sales training one of my top students did for my community revealing how to handle any sales objection your market throws at you… She’s closed over $340k in 90 minutes, and over $50k many times on 60 minute sales calls. This training alone will be worth tens of thousands to you in closed sales and I cannot wait for you to get your hands on it.
How new coaches & consultants can establish maximum authority right from the opening of the call using this framework… Use this framework to ooze confidence right from the beginning.
And much much more including…
The one question that has your prospects selling themselves on working with you…
How to use your prospects exact words to authentically sell them into your program…
When confirming their credit card will lose you the sale…
How to give them a great onboarding experience…
The “A to B” technique that allows you to teach without overwhelming and scaring off your prospect…
And, how to use a value based approach to selling that turns it from something you loath into something you love!
Exciting, right?
You’re getting everything you need to start signing high paying clients in a matter of days, totally free.
Here’s That Catch I Know You’ve Been Looking For
Now you’re probably wondering…
“This is all sounds awesome Grace, and I’m totally interested! But there’s one question I have left…
Why are you giving me this $1,997 course for free?!”
It’s a great question.
And the truth is…
There is a small catch.
You see…
If you’re one of the first 200, I really am giving you The Consult Project for free when you jump today…
And why am I doing this?
It’s simple…
I’m Doing This As A Shame-Free “No Brainer” Bribe To Join Me Inside The Doers Inner Circle 🙂
What’s The Doers Inner Circle?
Well allow me to explain 🙂
The Doers Inner Circle is an exclusive community unlike any you’ve experienced before…
Inside you will meet over 1000 female entrepreneurs from around the world. They are all on their own missions to impact lives, using their products and services.
And they’ve jumped into my Inner Circle to connect, to share, a most importantly…
Because they want a guaranteed path to success.
They want to get access to me and my team, every week, so they can get the advice and feedback they need to move their business forward…
And be certain that what they’re doing is what they should be doing to succeed in their market.
Here’s Why This Is Important To You…
When you take me up on my offer to get The Consult Project, you’re getting every secret weapon…
Every strategy…
Every tactic…
And every hack that made me and my students so successful in landing high-paying clients easily.
It’s true.
And what’s also true, is that no matter how much information I give you…
There’s always going to be bumps along the way!
Or maybe more like landmines you don’t see coming that could derail your road to success.
Going it alone is a recipe for disaster.
Trust me, I’ve done it and because of that… I’ve lost years (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) in the process 🙁
So, I would feel a bit unethical simply giving you my course for free without also giving you the continued support you actually need…
To make sure your next consult is a huge success!
So whether it’s:
Critiques on your call offering..
A review of your one page consult booking funnel…
A question about your content or tech…
Feedback on how to create the best bonuses…
Advice on how to scale your sales to 6-figures+ after you’ve validated them…
Or even something as simple as making sure you’re in the right business niche…
We’ll be there.
So that no matter what landmines blow up…
We’ll help you move around them into safety 🙂
Bottom Line: You get access to me and my team from Monday to Friday to ask ANY question you want so you don’t have to go it alone…
And so we can ensure you get the continued support you need to succeed with your next high-ticket consults.
Just ask, and let me and my team help 🙂
So Let Me Ask You…
What could you achieve having access to a mentor who’s generated over $20 million in course sales?
What insights will you get when you have a mentor who’s attracted over 31,000 customers?
Probably some pretty valuable ones, right? 🙂
Well guess what…
The Doers Inner Circle is not just about getting my 8-figure advice.
Here’s a few more reasons why this program is unlike any you’ve experienced…
The moment you join everything changes.
First, You’re Going To Be Shipped The “Doers Welcome Package”
And when you unwrap this huge, beautiful box, inside you will discover even more of my closely guarded secrets including….
Gift #1: Success Foundations ($297 Value) – How to think like a 7-figure female entrepreneur so you avoid the traps, mistakes and roadblocks most female entrepreneurs are stuck in…
Gift #2: The 10,000 Foot View ($297 Value) – The ultimate game plan for coaches, consultants & professional services to help you get crystal clear on your model and finally get paid what you’re worth…
Gift #3: You Everywhere ($297 Value) – How to get your brand out there affordable and automatically…even in a saturated marketplace where no one knows your name…
Gift #4: How To Sell Without Selling ($297 Value) – My non-sleazy, non-hypey, elegant sales strategies that will have your customers selling themselves to you!
Second: You’re Going To Get A Call With My Team Right Away
That’s right – we want you to get the results we’ve promised ASAP.
So, to make that happen, we’re going to open up a time on our calendar so you can speak to our team right away.
Usually, you’d have to wait a couple of weeks to get on our calendar…
But now that you’re a Doer in our community – everything changes!
Your level of support changes…
Your clarity on what you should be doing changes…
Your confidence in yourself and your next steps changes…
Your enthusiasm for the future changes…
And, of course, the speed of your success changes too! 🙂
Third, You’ll Be Welcomed Into Our Community With Open Arms…
This is where you’ll be able to interact with me, my team, the community of amazing female entrepreneurs…
And where you’ll be able to ask questions about anything you’re stuck with on a daily basis.
We have an average response time of less than 46 minutes, Monday to Friday!
So if you’re stuck with a part of The Consult Project, or simply have a question about your business, you’ll have the answers you need fast.
Like I said, this is not like any coaching program you’ve experienced before.
And There’s Still So Much I Need To Tell You About!
Every month I’m going to send you a physical “Doing Kit” straight to your door.
And no…
This is NOT about teaching you 1001 different new strategies every month and say ‘”good luck!”
The Doers Inner Circle is about getting you results, remember. 🙂
So instead, I’ll send you a monthly strategy that’s working right now to produce amazing results in my business.
For example, in one of my recent kits I revealed a process that netted me $24,000 in one day!
So I simply took that, and spelled it out – step-by-step – for the Doers in my community to copy/paste and tweak for their own business.
And I really do mean copy/paste.
Because along with these doing kits…
I Also Send You Digital Templates, Scripts, Landing Pages & Entire Funnels To Your Inbox Each Month…
So you can get up & running with my monthly “what’s working now” strategy fast.
No guesswork.
No starting from scratch.
Just tweak it for your own business and go live fast.
Now just imagine this…
You complete just ONE of these projects each month, and see profits immediately…
You continue to complete the one project in your Doing Kit each for one whole year…
And guess what happens?
You have twelve 6 and 7-figure strategies implemented into your business you can use over and over again!
This is exactly why I’ve designed this program the way it is…
And why it’s different to anything else out there (and why over 1000 female entrepreneurs have joined me inside)…
It’s not to overwhelm you with more fluff and marketing gimmicks you don’t use…
It’s to take you by the hand, give you only what you need when you need it, and help you grow your own profitable lifestyle business.
And then the fifth thing you get… (I think that’s what we’re up to!).
Two Live Group Training Calls A Month
It’s to answer any questions you might have about this months Doing Kit…
And it’s to update you on any major changes online… (Facebook and other platforms are changing so rapidly, if you’re not up to date, the strategies you implement today could be obsolete by tomorrow!)
My ladies love these calls because it gives them another level of access to me to ensure they’re on track and moving forward.
And if you miss a call?
No sweat!
We record all them so you can review at a time convenient for you 🙂
This may be my biggest perk of all…
You’re Also Getting Tickets to My Next 2 Doers Inner Circle Weekend Away Events!
Nothing beats implementation offline.
The reason I have these events (besides the fact it allows me to meet you face-to-face and share with you even more of my 7-figure “what’s working now” secret weapons)…
Is because it allows you to get A LOT done in a short amount of time.
By taking time away to focus on you and your business for a few days…
You are able to get more stuff done in that time at my events, than what most do in 2-3 months at home!
Yes, these are DOING events.
You learn.
You ask questions.
You implement.
And you take a gigantic leap forward in your business in just a couple of days.
Outside The Doers Inner Circle these events are $5,000 to attend (and yes, I’ve had many woman invest that amount!)…
But as a Doers Inner Circle member, I’m over-delivering and giving you tickets to come along as part of your investment in the program 🙂
With that being said…
Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything You’re Getting When You Join Me Inside The Doers Inner Circle…
The Consult Project ($1,997) FREE
Plus everything inside The Doers Inner Circle…
Doers Welcome Package Sent To Your Door The Moment You Join…
Monday to Friday Q&A Access to Me and My Team to Ensure You’re
Never Stuck and Always Moving Forward…
Access to Private Facebook Group to connect with 1,000’s of other likeminded Coaches, Consultants and Professional Service women
Exclusive invitations to events and retreats…
1-on-1 Kick Off Coaching Call With One Of My Best Coaches to Help Accelerate Your Results…
Monthly Doing Kits Delivered Direct To Your Door…
Live Coaching Calls Twice Per Month…
Complimentary Tickets to the Upcoming Doers Weekend Away Events (These Run Both in the US and Australia every year and are valued at $5,000 USD per event)….
Just a bit of value, right?! 😉
Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately you’d be spending over $9,000!
(Which would still be a great deal, by the way.)
But I’m not going to make you pay anywhere near that today.
In fact…
Your Investment Is Going To Be A Just A Fraction Of What It’s Worth
Here’s the deal…
I’ve decided to create a super special way for you to get all the above at an incredibly low investment.
So low, you might think I’ve gone a little crazy 🙂
If you’re one of the first 200 to jump in you’re not going to pay $4,000…
You’re not going to pay $1,000…
And you’re not even going to pay $500!
You can get The Consult Project totally FREE, when you join me in the Doers Inner Circle at just…
A huge saving!
And yes, you can cancel at any time!
But again…
This Offer Could Come Down At Any Moment As There Are Only 200 Spots & I’m Promoting It To Over 300,000 In My Database!
So if you’re interested in jumping in there’s no time to wait…
Click the button below, fill out your details and you can get going immediately in the program.
P.S. I also know that $297 USD isn’t loose change…
So at this point, it’s really important that if there’s anything holding you back from making the right decision for you and your business…
I help answer that for you now 😉
I’ve Taken The Top Questions I’ve Been Asked About The Consult Project And Popped Them In Below…
Just in case you’re wondering the same thing!
QUESTION #1: “How much time will this take?”
You can expect to commit about 12 to 15 hours TOTAL…. to review my training, get your doing done, and then critique and look over your doing.
Obviously, more experienced entrepreneurs may take fewer hours..
And newbies make take a little longer…
But it’s self-paced, so you’ve got no pressure at all.
Don’t forget, you actually maintain lifetime access to the program and all the training 🙂
Whatever time you want during the week is totally fine to do your doing.
QUESTION #2: “How much should I budget for traffic?”
Well, here’s the good news…
With the strategies I teach inside you don’t have to spend ANY money on ads… at all!
They’ll be enough to fill your calendar with ease over and over again 🙂
However, if you’re short on time and want to give advertising a go, then we’ve got you covered too!
Inside you’ll discover my Facebook secrets to fill your calendar starting with a budget of just $10 per day
Just the price of two coffees! 🙂
QUESTION #3: “How quickly can I get started?”
Your access will arrive in your inbox within 5-10 minutes!
So as soon as you register by entering your details, you will get your logins immediately.
I don’t want you to wait around 😉
You’ll be able to start as quickly as you want, and my team and I here in your corner every week for the next 6-weeks if you need anything from me.
QUESTION #4: “Will I lose access to The Consult Project if I cancel my Doers Inner Circle membership?”
If you wish to no longer be a member of the Doers Inner Circle, just email us at [email protected] with 30 days notice and we’ll cancel your membership, no questions asked!
And yes, you will get to keep the Consult Project for free – our gift to you for giving it a try!
QUESTION #5: “What stage of business should I be in?”
We’ve got girls in The Consult Project who have been in business for no time at all…
Literally they’ve just got an idea or a concept.
But we’ve also got other girls inside the program who have been in business for 23 and 24 years!
It’s not about the stage of business. The one criteria inside The Consult Project is you have to be a committed doer.
You have to do what I tell you to do.
And it sounds really simple, but that’s what I want you to do.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, you have to be open to doing what I tell you to do and taking massive imperfect action.
QUESTION #6: “How quickly will I see a return on my investment?”
This is a really good question.
This all depends on how well you know your market and if you’ve got a product or service they really, really want.
If you have already got a validated proven offer then The Consult Project will allow you to get up and running very quickly.
And if you don’t? Well, that’s why you’re jumping into the program because I teach you how to craft an irresistible offer your market can’t say no to!
But how quickly will you see a return on your investment?
It really depends on a few things…
So some ladies get it right first time round because they know their market well…. and their market resonates with what they’re selling and what they’re saying.
Other times you might need to tweak a little bit and you might need to test a few things in your funnel…. if you don’t know your market and their needs so well.
QUESTION #7: “How long will this price be available for?”
The Consult Project will be available for free for the next few days and then I will have to put the price back up to what you see on the website ($1,997 USD)…
It’s a little nuts to offer such a price but I really want to attract serious doers…. so it will only be open for the next few days.
QUESTION #8: “What other tools do I need?”
You and I will walk through all of that in more detail in module 2…
But basically, there’s three main tools you need:
Firstly, you’ll need to get a landing page builder.
I like LeadPages or ClickFunnels, but I’ll explain your options in more detail inside the program….
Landing page builders range from $49 – $97 USD per month (contract-free)
Secondly, you’ll eed an email autoresponder…. to help you automate all of your “show up” emails (if you don’t have one already).
I’m a fan of Infusionsoft, or Mailchimp if you’re on a budget. Mailchimp starts at $15 USD / month contract-free.
Then, finally, you’ll need a calendar booking system.
I recommend Schedule Once or Calendly.
The former starts at $7.50 per month, and the latter starts at… FREE! 🙂
And if you add them up and you can expect to spend under or around $100 USD a month on the actual tools themselves…
So that’s going out to dinner once a month, right?
Instead do a cook-up at home with Netflix and your loved ones… and set aside that money to build your business and income online 🙂
QUESTION #9: “Is there a guarantee this will work for me?”
With this promotion, no.
First, the $197/mo “cancel any time offer” is an incredible deal.
And if you don’t think so, then this may not be for you and that’s OK.
Second, because I’m giving you The Consult Project free, including sending you your Doers Welcome package and the first months Doers kit, I’m actually losing money initially.
However, I’ve decided to test this offer, hoping that the value and results you get will blow you away so much…
You’ll want to stay inside The Doers Inner Circle ongoingly! 🙂
With that being said…
If you’re ready to Stop Dreaming and Start Doing and join me inside The Consult Project, just click below now and fill out your details on the following page to reserve your spot before the 200 spots are gone…
Internet Marketing Course
Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers,
mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Its development during the 1990s and 2000s,
changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms became increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life,
and as people increasingly use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent,
employing combinations of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,
campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising,
e–books, and optical disks and games have become commonplace. Digital marketing extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as television,
mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring tones. The extension to non-Internet channels differentiates digital marketing from online marketing.
Lord –
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