Angelica Dizon – Advanced Pathophysiology & The Direct Impact on Patient Care
As an experienced healthcare professional, you see disease and injury all the time. The underlying cause of the presenting symptoms or complications can shed valuable insight in the delivery of patient care. And that is why the backbone of pathophysiology understanding is so essential. However, we know that these concepts are not always easy to master.
Angelica F. Dizon, MD, MSN, MBA-HCM, BSN, RN, NP-C, will share from her extensive years in practice, working as a physician and advance practice nurse. She has collected pearls of insight that will help you, too, to finally grasp pathophysiology at an advanced level.
Often patient care becomes very complex with multiple conditions and diagnoses overlapping. At the end of this comprehensive training, you will take away new skills to critically analyze patients entrusted to your care. You will be able to target your clinical assessments and have confidence in the interventions that you initiate — on your very next shift!
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