Steve Larsen – Your Final Offer 2020 + Upsell Content Cash Launch
“There’s No Money Coming In… I’d Better Launch Something, Fast!”
… then you might be stuck in the Launch Loop.
You launch offer after offer… maybe even successful ones with huge payoffs… but once the dust settles, you have to do it all over again just to keep the lights on.
There’s so much buzz online about launching… funnels… email lists… and all of that. But once you get in that world, figure out how launches work, and actually start making some money with them…
You get stuck. Next thing you know, you’re thinking…
“How Am I Ever Going To Make Something Sustainable Out Of All Of This? I Can’t Just Keep Launching For The Rest Of My Life!”
I understand, because I’ve been there.
My name is Steve J Larsen, and I’m a 17-time failure.
It took me 17 attempts to figure out how to pull off a successful launch. That’s a lot of failures! But finally, I figured out what I was doing, and the next launch…
It worked.
I was hooked. I began launching more and more, studying sales funnels and marketing principles obsessively, and putting out one offer after another. I even managed to get a job sitting next to Russell Brunson, one of the greatest internet marketers alive.
To say I’ve done a lot of successful launches… would be an extreme understatement.
Eventually, at some point in my launching fervor, I realized that something was off. I was in perpetual launch mode. If I wanted to be making any money, I had to launch something.
I’d do these big launches with big results… and then the launch would wrap up, and I’d have to start working on the next one just to get some new money coming in the door.
It wasn’t sustainable. There was no ongoing cash flow situation, just launch after launch keeping me afloat.
I knew there had to be a better way, so (being the marketing nerd that I am) I started studying the greats in marketing.
The more I watched, read, and heard… the more I began to piece together the fact that the great marketers… the ones who would do big-splash launches… would find ways to turn their offers into ongoing revenue.
There were all sorts of different ways they were doing this, of course, but it all came back to one thing:
Ongoing Cash Flow.
So I thought to myself, “Self! Rather than guessing and hacking and piecing it together from the other side of the screen… why don’t I just ask these brilliantly successful marketing giants what they’re doing to create sustainable, long-term cash flow from their offers?”
And that’s exactly what I did.
I tried to come up with a question that would go straight to the heart of the issue, and then I sought out 98 marketing geniuses from all across the marketing world to ask them:
“I Wanted to Know EXACTLY How They Would Plan an Offer That Had Long-Term, Sustainable Cash Flow Built In…”
Using everything they knew about marketing…
And under that deadline pressure of 90 days…
From idea to plan to execution.
At first I was unsure if anyone would respond to this seemingly odd request… but then I got a response. And another, and another.
As I began studying their answers, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. These were entire marketing plans, laid out step by step, for all kinds of offers in a huge range of industries…
It was like I’d struck gold.
And then I was struck by something else…
The realization that if I’d had access to this kind of insight in all my years of failure, and then those years of perpetual launching… if I’d had just ONE of these great marketing minds explain this concept of on-going cash flow to me…
“I would have saved years of effort and tons of heartache instead of slogging through attempt after failure after break-even experiment after non-stop launch season. “
I wouldn’t have been so broke for so long!
No matter the product… no matter the industry… no matter the audience size… no matter their personal history or experience level…
These strategies applied “across the board”… and they were critical to long-term success and stability.
These marketing experts were sharing amazing things with me that, no matter the industry or field, could change the lives of countless entrepreneurs, in any niche, with any business model.
Because it’s not about what they were selling… it’s about how they were structuring their offers to bring in long-term income. That eye on long-term cash flow and the strategies to get there are what made all the difference.
These marketers’ plans were showing me how to break free of the Launch Loop and build sustainable income.
“Every Entrepreneur Who Has Ever Launched A Funnel Needs To Hear These Plans.”
So how do I get this information into as many hands as possible?
My first thought, of course, was to package it all up and sell it. These were detailed, step-by-step plans that amounted to no less than a complete marketing education! I could charge thousands!
But then I realized that I would be getting myself right back into that old pattern, doing a big launch and then… having nothing to follow it up.
PLUS, these are the types of lessons that the top marketers — the ones with the bigger budgets that could absorb the cost of something this valuable — already knew, so they’d have no reason to buy. Meanwhile the people who truly needed what I have here… probably couldn’t swing the price, even at one-tenth of the value.
That just wouldn’t work. I wanted to get this in the hands of as many people as possible.
Then it hit me…
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
Lord –
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