David Baer – Sales Copy Simplified
Here’s what you’ll get:
Module 1: Pre, Primary, and Post Headline
- The headline is the most important part of your sales letter – if it doesn’t get attention, then your whole letter is an epic fail. Inside this module you’ll find out how to craft headlines that deliver high conversions and great results!
Module 2: Present the Problem
- If your headline did a good job, then your prospects are going to start reading your letter. Now you need to create an opener that rocks your prospects to their core – and that’s exactly what you’ll find out how to do in this module!
Module 3: Product Introduction
- You just reminded your prospects of their pain in the previous step. Now in this step you’ll introduce them to the joy of the solution. They’ll find out what your product can do for them.
Module 4: Proof
- At this point you’ve made some mighty big claims in your sales letter. This is where you prove your claims, build your credibility, and really get your prospects to fall in love with your product!
Module 5: Points
- This is the part of your letter where you take your prospect from mildly interested to absolutely frothing-at-the-mouth and frantic to get their hands on your product!
Module 6: Pull
- At this point you’ve whipped your prospect into a frenzy, so now it’s time to pull them to your order form. That’s what you’ll find out how to do in this module.
Module 7: Promise
- In this module you’ll find out how to overcome objections and boost your response rates by offering a strong guarantee.
Module 8: Process
- This is the part of your letter where you take the order. Get this part wrong, and you’ll sink your sales! This module shows you how to avoid that.
Module 9: Postscript
- The P.S. is the second-most read part of your sales letter, which makes it a key to getting the sale! That’s why you’ll want to pay close attention to this module, where you’ll find out how to create a postscript that closes the sale.
Module 10: Putting it all Together
- In this module you’ll find out how to snap into place each piece of your sales letter to create a sales machine that produces great results.
BONUS 1: 3 Direct-Response Sales Letter Templates
- Template 1 works great across a wide variety of niches, especially those where your prospects have repeatedly tried and failed to get a great result. (Example: starting a business.)
- Template 2 is a good choice when you have a product that’s designed to protect someone from getting a bad result. (Like heart disease.)
- Template 3 works across a variety of niches, as long as you’re able to share a story about overcoming a problem.
BONUS 2: 101 Sales-Boosting Persuasion & Copywriting Tips
You can pick up this report elsewhere from me for $24, but it’s yours free when you purchase Sales Copy Simplified today. You’ll get 101 tips for writing better sales copy and boosting your conversions, including:
- 8 eyebrow-raising ways to think like your prospects – once you know how to do this, you can sell anything to anyone!
- You’ll discover 11 ways to write better headlines that command attention and draw your prospects into your sales copy!
- You’ll learn 10 tips for pushing your prospects’ emotional buttons. (Hint: This is a big key to making a sale!)
- You’ll get 10 tips for crafting truly effective benefit statements that whip your prospects into a buying frenzy!
- You’ll learn 10 ways to use proof to bolster your claims and close the sale!
- You’ll get 10 surefire tips for creating calls to action that demand an immediate response – you’ll be amazed at how well these work!
- Here’s something almost everyone overlooks: graphics. And this report gives you six tips for using graphics effectively to get higher response rates!
- Your prospects are just looking for excuses to not order, which is why you’ll also discover five ways to overcome their objections and push them towards the order button!
- You also get nine tips for formatting your copy to maximum response!
- Finally, you’ll get 21 tips and tricks for optimizing your copy to boost conversions and sales!
If you want a high-converting sales letter, then you need to read this report! You’ll get instant access to it as soon as you place your order below.And that’s not all. Here’s what else you get when you order now…
BONUS 3: 10 Fill-In-The-Blank Headline Templates
So you’re writing a sales letter or other advertisement. And you know that one of keys to writing a great piece of copy is to brainstorm as many headlines as possible.But sometimes it’s hard to get started. Sometimes you just stare at a blank computer screen, trying to figure out how to engage your prospects. Brainstorm dozens of headlines? Heck, sometimes you can’t even write one good one!That’s where these templates come into play!Just fill in the blanks, and in minutes you’ll have ten fantastic headlines based on some of the highest-converting headlines ever used!
BONUS 4: 10 Ways to Create Urgency In Your Copy
- A simple sales model you can use that almost always creates an avalanche of sales!
- How to use discounts to spur sales!
- The secrets of using bonuses to push people to the order button!
- And more! This guide is yours when you order the Sales Copy Simplified package today.
- And here’s one more bonus…
BONUS 5: How to Sell More Using Stories
- A simple three-step system for telling stories that will keep your prospects on the edge of their seats!
- The #1 thing you need to do to engage your prospects and keep them reading!
- How to pick the right story to get the best results!
Business online course
Information about business:
Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”
Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.
Lord –
This is Digital Download service, the course is available at Vincourse.com and Email download delivery.