Lee Morrison – Fighting From the Clinch
In this program we look at how to operate effectively from a stand up clinic or tie-up position. This translates to ending up at extreme close quarters with both an untrained individual when the line up to pre-empt strategy has failed, as well as dealing with the trained fighter who understands this range and may have manipulated the situation to put you here during any potential ‘live’ confrontation.We take an in-depth look at attribute developing drills that will help you cultivate a high libel of ‘tactile awareness’ so essential when you find yourself at ecq.Here visual impairment is an assure expectation so creating an automated ability to ‘feel’ where your closest weapon to the most available target is, is most definitely a plus here.We include drills that show you how to most effectively strike, manipulate and attack from a non-compliant, confined and dynamic moving struggle!As well as effective use of takedowns and secondary weapons. This one hour program is a huge addition to anyone’s combative armoury.
Preview Information:
Outstanding Course:Food Unwrapped: Series 5 (2015)
Lord –
This is Digital Download service, the course is available at Vincourse.com and Email download delivery.