Garrett J White – Blackbook
Dear Brother,Welcome to Warrior, an Elite Brotherhood of Men from across the globe all joined in realizing what most men dream of:HAVING IT ALL.If this is your first time here, you may be wondering”What the hell is this all about?”and…”Why is this relevant to my life?”Am I right? New to Warrior? Watch This Short Video to Learn More: Let Me Show You Why 1000’s of MenJUST LIKE YOUAre Currently Abandoning “Old Strategies” For A Protocol So Powerful Every Man Who Uses It Experiences A Dramatic”Waking Up” To New Levels of Power and Purpose (NO BS) But first, let me share with you a quick story that may help you understand why I’m someone worth listening to, and more importantly, how YOU WILL use this to sequentially level-up your life, fast.In 2007, I sat knocking on the doors of divorce with my second marriage, and my financial banking empires came to a crumble due to the economic collapse.Figuratively, the tide was up in my life for years in terms of cash & confidence… …and when that “tide” finally washed out, what was exposed was a jagged, rocky marriage with a business in ruin, laying off over 100 employees, including my two sisters and Mom… But my home & family life was in even more despair. My two young kids had no clue who their father was, and I was living in a sexless marriage, always fighting, never getting anywhere, looping in several constant unresolved conflicts. But on the outside?What everyone else saw was a golden boy… World Champion Iron Man Tri-athelete Successful Entrepreneur & Banker Beautiful, Bombshell-Wife Two Healthy Children and the list goes on…Yet what no one knew, was behind the facade, I was living in my own personal prison of literal hell-on-earth.With the pressures of trying to save even a shred of my empire – while feeling nothing but cold conflict from my family – the tension led me to cheat on my wife of 7 years. Yes, you read right… I CHEATED!Filled with that guilt and the shame of a burning empire, I was a truly lost man.Constantly asking myself “Is this what my life has come to? Is this what I was trying to build?”I faced the brutal truth of being a one-dimensional asshole who no longer had a castle of cash and a six-pack to hide behind.Yet I remember the day when everything changed for me…Sitting in my BMW M6 on the phone with a mentor I had at the time having just closed my business… laying off my mom, two sisters and younger brother… quite literally having barely enough cash to put gas in the tank… wife texting me to pick up diapers – not knowing how to pay for them… holding secrets inside I was too scared to admit to anyoneI searched for solace from this mentor, hoping he could save me from my biggest enemy… myself.While he talked, I remember looking in the rear-view mirror of a car I could no longer afford, red eyes from barely any sleep and a volcano or rage and stress… …one word came to me, almost through a subtle whisper:“Surrender””Surrender?”, I asked myself. Looking into the tired eyes of a man I no longer knew, shocked by how quickly everything had fallen……I didn’t completely understand what that meant at the time, but my GUT knew there was traction here. Caught in secrets, lies, posturing, bravado, pride and felt myself in the loneliest pits of despair I could think of.I was a “Successful Man”, who tried – and failed. And this single word, delivered almost as a whisper into my mind, spoke to my soul…“I Knew the Only Way Out, Was To Go ALL IN.”It wasn’t my wife’s fault, the economies fault, my employee’s fault… It was mine. And at that moment, I decided never to be this one-dimensional man… It was at this moment in 2007, I would figure out how to BE THE MAN!I solemnly swore to myself I would FIND the way. What I didn’t expect was the result of this journey I set out on….See,I set out to fix MYSELF… not even giving an ounce of thought to helping other men, let alone creating something other men could follow and use.BUT…Now 10 years later, as a result of that single inceptive moment……A Belief System Has Organically Grown Into a MOVEMENT Helping Men All Over the World LIBERATE Their Families, Their Businesses and Their Lives!“Brother, Have You Ever Felt That Mental Itch?”The one in the back of your mind that constantly whispers“You Can DO More…”“You Can BE More…”And yet no matter how much you ACHIEVE, there’s a nagging state of…“There Must Be Something I’m Missing…”Or better yet…Has your wife ever demanded you to…“BE THE MAN.”Yet you’re left with an internal frustration as to WHAT THE HELL this actually means?What does it mean to BE THE MAN?What does it mean to be a MODERN MAN?Most Men’s Definition?Get rich or get ripped.In fact, the entire world defines a men whose “won” at life when he finds himself with some cash and a six pack.Yet, you and I both know… this is utter bullshit. A bloated bank-account and a ripped body doesn’t ever ease the mind from that never-ending question of “what’s next?”, or even worse… “is this it?”Here’s The Problem:Most men live in a state of being one-dimensional — maybe two-dimensional at best… Rich, yet fat. Ripped, yet broke. Great father, terrible marriage. Spiritually on Fire, yet can’t provide a lifestyle he and his family deserves. Healthy & Rich, yet clueless as to what the purpose of your life could be. Can you relate to any of this?And they float along life in a constant state of boredom and burnout.BUILD…… leads to BURNOUT!BUILD…… leads to BOREDOM!And you go about life in this insane loop of re-building, just to keep things interesting.All while feeling that subtle hole of going through life alone. By alone, I mean without an association of Men you can call your Brothers. Men You Can TRUST, Men You Can Lean On.Elite Men to Hold You to a Higher-Self You’ve Always Sensed Was There, Yet Never Had Even a Clue As To How You’d Pull It Off. You’ve experienced this….Yet you’ve questioned why, no matter how much you achieve, you’re left in a state of wanting. The Problem?Most men go to their graves feeling guilty about a life not fully lived.And the Even Bigger Problem?It wasn’t their fault to begin with. These men were deceived. These men were tricked.You… my brother… have been tricked.Tricked into believing life was just about getting the cash and shutting up.Being the emotionless ATM, living through life never answering that fateful question of:“Could There Be a Better Way?”And this way became today what is known as the “Warrior’s Way to Having It All!” Skeptical?Good. Any smart guy would be skeptical about such a claim.But stay with me, and suspend your disbelief for just a moment longer while I show you show how this protocol works under the hood…INTRODUCING: THE ART & SCIENCE OF HAVING IT ALL“WHY BEING 4-DIMENSIONAL IS THE ONLY PATH TO HAVING IT ALL.”(AND The Death & Rebirth of Modern Men As We Know It)“The 4 Dimensional Man” Body, Business, Balance, BeingAs I modeled and analyzed the most successful achievers in history, I started to see patterns and formula’s in the way mastery in business, marriage, body & peace could be achieved.But the problem was this…No One Was Teaching How to DO IT ALL, Simultaneously. Business experts were fat… Health & Fitness experts were broke… Spiritual Teachers didn’t know the first thing about raising a family… Marriage experts were FAT AND BROKE… WTF?? And no one was teaching a methodology to pulling it ALL OFF at once, in the least.No one had the answer, not even the “so-called” experts, for how to bring together the 4 Core Areas of Life into Harmony, and then push them forward together. Yet I found that when I aligned these 4 components into a focused protocol, the speed at which I produced results Accelerated! Days Began to Feel Like Weeks…Weeks Began to Feel Like Months…Months Felt Like Years…And Years Felt Like DECADES!Accomplishing more in every area of life in a weeks or months-time than what took me previously years.You see, my discovery was not only that “having it all” was possible, but this Focused Lifestyle Actually Collapsed Time… Producing in 7 days what I typically did in 30 days… Creating 6 months of results in 60 days. And even pulling off 10 years of business acceleration within 3 or less… I’m not fucking with you as you read this…You see, I found that the equation to mastering the game of HAVING IT ALL, came down to a revolving circle of 4 very specific focuses:Power, Production, Purpose and ProfitAnd Through Leveraging These 4 Focus’ Into The 4 Core Areas of Life… the CODE to Having It All Was Cracked, Right Before My Eyes, In A Sequential, Practical Methodology Anyone Could Use, Starting TODAY!… Including YOU! Do you know what the greatest resource of your life is?TIME!And Being Able to Collapse Time, Accomplishing Across the 4 Core Areas of Life in 10x LESS TIME Means You’re Literally DOUBLING or TRIPLING the Amount of Life You’re Able to Live. Before you start doubting me, I’ll tell you this:We’ve had hundred’s of men do this in countries all over the world.“Okay, so HOW can I have it all?”“How do I accelerate my results?”If you’ve asked yourself this question in the past, I want you to watch this quick video from one of our very first Brother’s to live this unique protocol….REAL LIFE, RAW CASE STUDY WITH MICHAEL ISOM & FAMILY“How You Can Accelerate More Results In Marriage, Business & Life THIS MONTH Than You Have In The Past Year, WITHOUT Feeling As If You’re Burning Out AND Without Risking Precious Energy!”THE MODERN MAN’S DILEMMA:“Are You Tired of Trying To Balance Your Life, Yet Always Feeling The Sense of ‘Not Enough’ No Matter How Much Money, Sex or Time-Freedom You Achieve?” We call it the “Modern Man’s Dilemma”…Where no matter how good you are, you are constantly in a state of “not good enough”. Not enough cash Not enough time Not enough space Not enough sex Not enough energy Not enough influence Not enough…Don’t get me wrong… this driver is powerful in getting results for producers like us.But what happens when you burnout?Or worse, when you’re so fed up you just want to burn the fucker to the ground?Here’s why this takes place:Do You Lack Clarity & A Plan On How To Push All Areas of Your Life Forward In A Practical Way, Left In A Constant State of “Spinning Plates”, Playing Never-Ending “Keep-Up”?You may be facing this dilemma, UNKNOWINGLY, if any of this sounds like you: You are successful at work, but feel powerless, disconnected, alone, and unmotivated to even go home because you get no praise, no connection, you have no camaraderie with other men, and you don’t know how to communicate what you are feeling to your wife without fear of her reactions and rejections. You don’t feel respected or honored by your wife, like she doesn’t trust you to be consistent and be around so now SHE is starting her OWN career You feel like you are in a POWER STRUGGLE with your wife where you’re competing and withdrawing money while she is controlling with sex You feel like you are in a 50/50 relationship where the bank accounts and everything else are balanced but there is NO sexual POLARITY You feel resentment towards your wife because of the lack of sexual intimacy or how inconsistent it is? You feel that these bottled up emotions affect your business production and your decision-making ability at work? You use some sort of drug, alcohol, porn, or other sensory escape mechanism like extreme sports to numb the pain that you feel but you haven’t confronted? (We’ve all done this) You have no IDEA how to have a truthful conversation with your wife without starting World War III and realizes that this FEAR carries over as well to your BUSINESS decisions You’re under a constant and never ending barrage of stress and no matter WHAT you DO, it seems to never be enough for your wife OR your employees? This leaves you exhausted, disillusioned, ALONE, and wondering why you are even FIGHTING anymore You look around for a male role model and you can’t FIND any You portray a successful, beautiful marriage and life but under the surface you KNOW that it is NOT working and you are DYING a slow death The Problem Is A Stark Reality:“It’s Not Your Fault… No One Ever Trained You How To ‘BE THE MAN’ or ‘Have It All’” Secure Your Personal Copy of the BLACKBOOK Now! And that’s why most men, maybe even you, struggle to put all of the pieces together. You Struggle to Stay Fit, while producing in business at a high level. You Struggle to Stay Present with the Kids, while expanding your empire. You Struggle to Keep a Peaceful Home, while trying to grow your marriage’s sexual intimacy. You Struggle to Discover and Live Your Life, while raising a family & providing. And the list goes on brother — you know what I’m talking about. The truth is, non of this is your fault.You were never given any proper instructions on how to methodically enhance and grow these areas of your life all at once. But The Even BIGGER Problem Is That It Gets Worse…“The Cost of Continuing The One-Dimensional Path Is Years of Wasted Energy, Time & Money… Possibly Even Your Lifetime!”Think right now, what if you DON’T change the trajectory of a ONE-DIMENSIONAL LIFE?What could be the COST of STAYING on the path you’re on now?I’ll be straight forward — if you’re reading this page, it means there’s an area of your life you want to grow and expand. In Your BODY, with your fitness, energy & functional power levels. In Your BEING, with your personal certainty and spiritual peace. In Your BALANCE, with your kids’ relationships, sex life with your wife, family dynamic In Your BUSINESS, with your personal bank account, business growth, market-share, and moreAnd the cost?The Cost of not doing anything about living the One-Dimensional Lifestyle?Imagine a ship at sea. The compass and guidance system it uses is absolutely critical to arriving at the correct destination.And you know well as I do… if this ship calculates even a slight error in direction, the cost is 100’s of MILES off course, and ends up in the completely wrong destination. The same applies to your life right now. I’m not going to pretend I know you enough to tell your exact problems… but with certainty, I’ll tell you what, there are huge consequences to every path taken. Some good, some bad, some great, some disastrous. Divorced. A Disconnected, Totally Passionless and Sexless Marriage. Desperate, Alone. Losing Half or MORE Net-Worth . FAT, Overweight, and No Motivation to Even Get Out of Bed. Depressed & Discontented, No Matter How Much Success You Achieve. Some OTHER Guy Raising Your Kids Because You Weren’t There Enough Yourself.My brother, the writing is on the wall.It may not be bad now… but a sinking ship can start with even the tiniest leak. And it’s EVEN WORSE when you don’t even know the ship has a leak.1000’s of Men, 17 Countries and 8 Years of Research – All Distilled Into The Ultimate Guide For Modern Businessmen To Have It All! PROVEN.Men Before You Have Paid $1,000 – $10,000 To Master the Art & Science of Having It All! Today, You Get The BLACKBOOK for Just $99.97 + Shipping! Secure Your Personal Copy of the BLACKBOOK Now! This Tested, Proven, and Efficient Methodology for Expanding Your Marriage, Business & Life Can Work For You EVEN IF You’ve Seen And Tried ‘Everything’Yet, This Is NOT For Everybody.1. This framework is NOT: A Get-Rich Quick Scheme.Real men, who own real business, who produce real results use this to TURBO CHARGE the production of their own businesses & lifestyle. (I mean holy shit, this goes without saying)2. This framework is NOT: For Men Who Aren’t Willing To Do THE FUCKING WORK.Yes. Some men are looking for the “quick-fix” pill to their shitty life. If you’re looking for a quick-fix… LEAVE NOW. Literally click away. You’re not invited. However, the irony? Men who are willing to PUT IN THE RIGHT KIND OF WORK, end up not only “fixing” their shit quickly, but experience results faster than they imagined! 3. This framework is NOT: Some Cheap Personal Development Bullshit. No hard-feelings for those guys in that world, but this unique system is simply found no-where else in the world. If you think you’ve tried it all… Yeah, so did I. Not my thing. Boring! And mostly all watered the fuck down.The Warrior’s Way is a system unlike any other in the world…After Over 10 Years of Analyzing & Testing Experts In Fitness, Health, Business, Relationships, Parenting PLUS Real-Word Success Stories (including my own)…It’s All Come Down To ONE World-Class System PROVEN To Help A Man Have It All In Body, Being, Balance & BusinessThis rigorous research & endless testing in my own life revealed SPECIFIC PROTOCOLS that the truly successful in EACH of the Core areas of life do that’s virtually hidden from public.(As well as examined the REAL reasons behind the Have It All “failures”…..Men who tried, like me, but had failed over and over) And from this testing & living of EACH area for years…I discovered how to pull the patterns of only what WORKS…ALL Into ONE SINGULAR Process For A Man To TRULY Have It All. Not by chance.Not through hope.Not through wishing…….but through CERTAINTY and CLARITY!A sequence, methodical in nature, distilled down into a process proven to work for anyone who ‘tries it’. And from this moment forward, you will have the tools to replicate this success. Saving you YEARS of flying blind… Ready to accelerate you to where you’ve always imagined.
More information about Medical:
Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease,
typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others.
Medicine has been around for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) frequently having connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local culture.
For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism.
In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science).
While stitching technique for sutures is an art learned through practice.
The knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues being stitched arises through science.
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