Ron Legrand – Paper Power – 8 CDs (MP3) + 2 Workbooks (PDF)
Dear Friend,
There are tremendous amounts of profit underlying house deals you could be passing each time you close on a property. Almost every piece of Real Estate has some kind of a mortgage, trust deed, land contract, lien or judgment attached to it. I call this paper.
Sometimes there’s more profit in the paper than in the house deal itself. Quite often you can make money on both at the same time. A Lot Of Money! In fact:
Only The Uninformed Would Buy Houses And Ignore The Paper.
So, I’ve created the most powerful program ever undertaken to make money with all kinds of paper attached to Real Estate. It’s called Paper Power. This 2-day event will make you enough money next year to buy a new Mercedes or send your kids to Harvard.
It won’t interrupt or in any way interfere with your Real Estate business. In fact, it’ll open a lot of new doors and could very easily be more lucrative than houses.
So What Will You Learn?
Well, we’ll cover the entire paper business. Like houses, it’s divided into pretty paper and ugly paper. Translated, this means we’ll be dealing in notes that are current (pretty paper) and defaulted notes (ugly paper) where no one is paying. These are my favorites.
We’ll also cover buying liens and judgments and how they can lead you to properties for pennies on the dollar, as well as help you capture deals that scare away the competition. In short, when you see how to capitalize on deals you’ve let go in the past, you’ll hate yourself for not knowing this long before.
Here’s A Short List Of Some Of The Things
That’ll Be Covered, And I Do Mean Some…
How to find pretty and ugly paper and never visit a courthouse or spend a fortune on marketing.
How to buy over-leveraged houses no one else will touch and make a killing by getting liens removed from the house with little or no cost.
How to structure offers on all kinds of paper to maximize your profit and produce little known income streams.
How to make more on ugly paper and where to raise the money to do it. You’ll see why defaulted mortgages are a multi-billion-dollar industry and how you can find them by accident while looking for houses.
Who to buy from, when not to buy, and when you better move like you have lightning in your pants.
How to make your competitors look foolish and gain an unfair advantage.
How to make money on paper deals when you can’t buy the house or find the owner and don’t care if you do.
Where to sell your pretty paper at a simultaneous closing, just like you do your house. In fact, I’ll have the buyer in the class begging for your business.
Why you should be using your IRA to buy both pretty and ugly paper and how you can make it worth a million bucks in five years without making another contribution.
How to structure the sale of your houses with owner financing, so you can sell off the note at closing with only a minimum discount and cash out of the deal.
How to buy and sell notes to make $5,000 now, and several times that later on the same note, and not have a dime invested.
How to create monthly income by buying and selling partial payments to create free money. I’m not kidding!
A step-by-step plan even the most unskilled beginner could follow with no previous experience.
One of the most important tools in the paper business is the financial calculator. It amazes me how many people carry them around but can’t use them. Well, not anymore! You’ll be taught how to use this mathematical instrument so you can calculate anything you’ll ever need to know.
Don’t worry if you don’t already own one. Today we use Apps – we will show you the easiest to use. I can assure you, when you leave, you’ll know how to use it, because you’ll be doing exercises throughout the class.
The first day will be spent learning how to create numerous streams of income on pretty paper. You’ll be astonished to learn all the money you’ve lost because of what you didn’t know.
We’ll Discuss Things Like…
Finding notes and flipping them.
Optioning notes, selling off part and keeping the rest free.
How to sell part of the payment and let the seller keep part for cash flow.
How to create notes to buy houses with owner financing, so the seller gets cash and you put up no money.
Buy or option notes, and change the terms to double your income.
How to structure the purchase of a note to get a 67% return on your investment.
How to evaluate notes quickly to eliminate risk and ensure a fast sale.
Checklists for every phase of buying and selling notes.
All That’s Just The Beginning!
Then we’ll get to my favorite part of the note business…defaulted or ugly paper. There’s a killing to be made in defaulted paper even if you don’t understand it.
Every Foreclosure On Every Property In The Country Is Defaulted Paper.
Now, add that to all the liens and judgments attached to properties, and it’s literally a goldmine. Why? Because you can buy defaulted paper for pennies on the dollar! Just like you buy ugly houses at wholesale prices.
Financial Development Course
Financial development means some improvements in producing information about possible investments and allocating capital, monitoring firms and exerting corporate governance, trading, diversification, and management of risk, mobilization and pooling of savings, easing the exchange of goods and services.
Lord –
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