Marshal Meditation Method – Bonus by James Marshal
Seduction: Video
Webrip – 5 MP4
34.3 GB
MMM is a comprehensive, 6-Week Online Course designed to help you stay relaxed in stressful situations, become more confident, positive and easily experience flow state & the ‘power of now’ through practical and simple meditation tools. TNL’s most popular home study course is finally back with all new material.
Until you see that beautiful woman and all of a sudden your chest locks up like a block of ice. Your heart is POUNDING in your ears because you KNOW you should be approaching her.
But you just can’t seem to take that step towards her. The next thing you know your mind is racing with a torrent of excuses.
She’s probably really busy.
Defeated, you walk away with your tail between your legs, cursed with this crippling disease that never seems to go away. You retreat home, giving yourself enough time to calm down and pray that things will be different tomorrow.
Or maybe you occasionally pluck up the courage to say hello but as soon as there’s an awkward pause in the conversation or she gives the slightest sign of disinterest, you quickly excuse yourself.
Maybe you find this social anxiety extends into other areas of your life, as you find yourself tense and unable to speak freely and connect with people at parties, work events or social situations where you aren’t in your comfort zone.
If any of this sounds familiar, you need to sit up and pay attention RIGHT NOW because I’m about to share something incredibly important with you…
Approach Anxiety isn’t some biological response that is hardwired into our DNA traced back to the caveman days. It is not some genetic defect that means every time you want to approach a girl you’re battling against the very forces of nature itself.
Despite what some pseudo-scientific theorists say, AA is not inevitable, it’s a choice.
The reality is that ‘Approach Anxiety’ is a myth created by the seduction community to justify the limitations that people place on themselves and to pitch snake-oil products to desperate men.
Perhaps you’ve already dabbled in trying to learn meditation. A lot of guys get lost in books filled with spiritual new-age hippy gibberish, or follow some video course promising to make you a Zen Monk in 5 minutes, complete with bells and weird chanting.
Or maybe you’ve tried quick fix Apps that promise to bring you inner peace in just a few minutes of following a guided meditation, which may give short term relief but don’t go below the surface to actually help you dig out complex issues.
…that is specifically designed for men who don’t want to ditch the modern world and live in a cave but who have busy lives and want to achieve a sense of inner peace, so that they can be more effective, relaxed and in flow, especially when meeting women.
Do you want to continue spending hours and hours of your life on the streets trying to hopelessly approach women, only to fall victim to your anxiety? Are you satisfied to only meet women when they come into your social circle?
Are you willing to continue investing hundreds (or even thousands!) of dollars into ‘approach anxiety cures’ which are essentially gimmicks, magic pills that don’t get results?
Do you want to dig through the mountains of confusing and often contrary advice floating around on the internet, or do you want to learn a simple proven system for self transformation and coming to peace with yourself?
Are you ready to finally stop trying to rationalize your way out of ‘Approach Anxiety’ and own up to what’s really going on?
You see, ‘Approach Anxiety’ is actually just a label you’ve placed on a series of sensations within your body that activate when you want to approach a woman. These sensations reacts with your psychology and emotions as you interpret them to mean fear.
In terms of feeling ‘Nervous’, ‘Anxiety’ and ‘Fear’ around women it’s important to understand that these are not real fears. There is no life threatening danger. It’s NOT a primal response to an existential threat. These are simply labels your mind uses to describe these sensations, to protect your ego and to encourage you to back away from the source of the “fear”.
I watch so many men who get into the seduction community fall flat on their face, never breaking through approach anxiety.
Even those that do muscle through with sheer will power often eventually quit because it always feels like a battle to build up the confidence and momentum to keep going.
Lord –
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